Friday, May 4, 2012

Interviewing Tips - Make the Best Impression

1. Non-verbal communication can speak loudly to your interviewers. Sit up straight, smile with confident, and attentively listening while the interviewer speaks is a good way to show enthusiasm in a non-verbal way.

2. The vocabulary you use can shape the way an interviewer views you. This doesn't mean you should break out your old SAT books but think about your personal speech. Do you speak with confidence and eloquence when you highlight your own skills and experience? Are you using industry words that are geared toward the position you're applying for? Are you speaking to your interviewers in a professional or casual tone? Vocabulary can shape the way your words are received.

3. Appearances count. Make sure that you look groomed and neat. Dress in a neutral way so that your interviewer isn't distracted by your outfit. For women, keep it light with the makeup and perfume. For men, be sure to trim shave any facial hair and keep the cologne minimal. You'll want to make sure that you come across as clean and professional.

4. Good eye contact shows confidence. It also shows that you are engaged in the conversation and listening. Not only will this show interviewers that you are interested in the position and the company, it will also give them a good idea of how you would represent the company if you were to go out and meet with potential clients.

5. Voice tone and volume can make a difference in the way you're portrayed. Make sure that your tone of voice is coming across as professional. Make sure that your voice volume is balanced as well. If you're too quiet, you might come off as insecure or shy. If it's too loud, it might come off as annoying or overbearing.

6. A strong handshake is another good indication of your confidence level. If you get nervous before interviews, try some deodorant to keep your sweaty palms to a minimum. Try and keep your hands warm as well. Don't let your interviewer be distracted if he or she shakes your hand and the touch is extremely cold.

Remember, your resume already convinced the company that you were worth calling in for an interview. Now they just want to see how you will fit into their company culture and hear more from you. By making a good and lasting impression throughout your entire interview, you can show your interviewers that you are the best candidate for the job. You also might have noticed that the word "confidence" came up a lot in this article. That's because confidence is key when it comes to interviewing. While a company wants to be confident in their decision to hire you, they also want you to be confident in yourself that you are the best person for the job. With enough preparation and practice, you can naturally show your confidence during your interview.

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