Monday, August 8, 2011

Don't Make a Wrong Turn! Top 5 mistakes when changing your career

OK, so you're changing careers.  Now what? 
Put together a career change strategy that keeps you from making a Wrong Turn.

1. Don't leap into a new job or career with out doing some intense research on the occupation and whether you will be a good fit for it.

  • Not everyone is cut out for the Health Care Field, so before you go out and enroll in a costly training program, make sure you conduct a self assessment as well as a labor market assessment to ensure the occupation has a solid growth rate.

2. Don't go into a Field because your friend or family member is doing great in it

  • Remember, what may fit for them may not fit for you.  Conduct informational interviews with employers, Network, get a clear picture of the work and the expectations to perform well in that occupation.

3. Don't Let Money drive your decision

  • Be realistic about your salary when changing careers.  You will be coming in with less experience and will need to adjust your salary expectations accordingly.  Believe it or not, money is NOT the number one factor that keeps people in their job.  Workplace Satisfaction is.

4. If you go back to school, make sure the credential you receive will be recognized by an employer in the field you choose.

  • Be VERY sure that employers recognize the credential you received as a benefit and not just a piece of paper.  Also make sure the school or training provider you choose has a good reputation with the employers in the field you chose.

5. Don't expect your career development specialist to tell you which field to enter.

  • Career Development Specialist are there to help guide you through the process and give you tools and suggestions to help you discover the best career option for you. They will help you to prepare for training or employment, but they will not do the research for you.  You must be accountable for your research and ultimately your decision.

References:  Monster;Barbara Reinhold 

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