Monday, October 24, 2011

Do Employers Care How Long I Have Been Unemployed?

The Answer is YES!

Ahhhh it seems like the ultimate catch 22 doesn't it?  You are unemployed, trying to get employment, but employers won't employ you because your unemployed.  Sound complicated?  It is.  Unfortunately, that is what is going on out there. 

Employers that are hiring are quick to judge why you have not found employment.   The employers feel like they do not want to hire someone that no one else wants to hire. It is key to remember that most recruiters and hiring managers have been employed and are not fully aware of what it's like out there looking for work.

So how can we fight this vicious cycle?  One way is to highlight what you have been doing in the time you have been looking for work. Employers want to see that you have been sharpening your skills, volunteering in the community, taking classes to increase knowledge in software products, etc. 

Think about what you can do to ultimately benefit your performance on the job once hired.  Many local areas have free or low cost workshops.  There are also financial resources out there, such as WIA (Workforce Investment Act)  who may be able to assist in skills and training.

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