Monday, November 28, 2011

Email Etiquette

Email has become the primary way we communicate in a workplace environment or even job searching.  The following items are some points to consider when sending your email:

  • Consider your e-mail account name when job searching:
When job searching, think about the impression you are making on a potential employer with an email account name.  Avoid using overly personal handles such as ""  

  • Be kind:  
Don't use e-mail to say no, argue, criticize or deliver bad news.  Pick up the phone and deliver this type of information face to face.
  •  Make every e-mail count:
The less you send, the more likely your messages will be read.  Don't copy others unless they really need to read it.

  • Be considerate, not cryptic:
Don't expect others to decipher what you mean by reviewing an entire email thread.  Be specific on your request.

  • Respond in a timely manner:
Try to respond to all messages within 24 hours, and make sure you follow through on when you say you will respond.  Don't be afraid to use your out of office message if you are in back to back meetings or away from your office.  This lets people know that you are not intentionally ignoring their email.

  • Be crystal clear:
In your subject line (and you should always have one!), explain what you want: Do you need someone to review or approve something, or is the message simply an FYI? in the message itself, get to the point and use bullets, which are easier to scan than large blocks of text.

References: Robert Half - Business Etiquette: The New Rules In A Digital Age

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